10NaNa Mania

4.0 ( 2860 ratings )
Gry Rozrywka Układanki Quizy
Desenvolvedor: Mooff Games

這遊戲於兩日內已經登上香港Top 10 apps,多謝大家對Chrissie的支持. 我們會對遊戲進行更新,繼續推出更多照片及調整遊戲難度.請大家多多支持!想留意遊戲最新情報,大家可以加入Mooff Games的Facebook專頁(http://www.facebook.com/mooffgames)及Twitter(http://www.twitter.com/mooffgames).

一向勇於嘗試創新,製作潮流話題的性感女神Chrissie周秀娜現在正式登錄iPhone app世界,推出突破性將數學和寫真融合的遊戲:10NaNa Mania,務求寓學習於娛樂,數學頭腦可以進步之餘又可以欣賞到寫真照片.

-支援Game Center排行榜和Facebook連結.


GME和Mooff Games將會陸續泡製更多破格創新的次世代新玩意,請大家熱切期待吧!

Thank you all for showing support to Chrissie. The game has reached Top 10 free apps in Hong Kong in just 2 days. We will keep updating the game by adding in more hot photos of Chrissie and adjusting the game balance. For the latest information on the game, please follow the Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/mooffgames) and Twitter (http://www.twitter.com/mooffgames) of Mooff Games.

Who says math and gorgeous babe cant get together? Chrissie Chau, the hottest Asian goddess from Hong Kong, is here to prove it wrong. Chrissie hereby presents 10NaNa Mania, a fast paced puzzle game in which you do math, collect coins, and unlock sexy photos of Chrissie Chau.

-Simple yet addictive gameplay where you keep adding up to 10 with the right combination of numbers in a minute.
-Earn coins based on your score to unlock puzzle pieces to reveal exclusive never-seen-before stunning images of Chrissie Chau.
-Option to unlock all photos at once through in-app purchase.
-More photos coming in later update.
-Game Center ranking and Facebook Connect support.

Now get ready to improve on math with a “little” extra motivation!

More fun interactive novelty coming soon from GME and Mooff Games. Stay tuned!
